Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Fairfield Parish provides strong support in the local community

Juliette Kirkwood in FairfieldThanks to a new NSW Government grant, CatholicCare is working with Our Lady of the Rosary in Fairfield to establish a support and referral service within the parish for the local community.

People who may be needing help with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability or mental health, but who don’t know where to start with finding assistance, can visit with the Community Care Worker for support, advice and referrals.

With the launch of the NSW Government’s ‘My Community Grant’ last year, which allowed residents to vote for local proposals they would like funded in their area, CatholicCare partnered with Our Lady of the Rosary in Fairfield to apply for funding for this service and was successful. The initiative aims to make the delivery of social services easier by offering help within the community that they live.

Thanks to the funding and the partnership with Our Lady of the Rosary Fairfield, CatholicCare has been able to trial this exciting new service. We are now working with other Catholic communities across Sydney to assist in extending the caring role of parishes to help strengthen families and connect communities.

Today, parishes are places of worship and learning, and through this initiative they can offer an even more holistic service. Coupled with their spiritual guidance, parishes can now be places of healing for the whole community.

If you or someone you know needs support during this challenging time, please call 13 18 19 or contact us online.