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Remote Clinical Supervision - Supporting Catholic school counsellors

Remote Clinical Supervision

What is Remote Clinical Supervision?

Remote Clinical Supervision is a clinical supervision service focused on supporting primary and secondary school counsellors working in Catholic schools in metropolitan, rural and remote areas.

Through individual, goal-based supervision, experienced CatholicCare clinicians work with school counsellors to enhance their professional practice and the delivery of safe, appropriate/effective and evidence-based services that positively impact schools and students.

Founded on our 30 years’ experience and expertise in the provision of counselling and clinical supervision to school counsellors in metropolitan areas, CatholicCare has been providing Remote Clinical Supervision to counsellors working in regional and remote areas since 2019.

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Submit an enquiry now


To enquire about Remote Clinical Supervision, please contact CatholicCare Sydney online or call us on 13 18 19


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