Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Talking social justice with Journey Catholic Radio

Following the 2022 Australian Catholic Bishops Social Justice statement, Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse, CatholicCare Sydney’s Dr Lauren Kadwell sat down with Journey Catholic Radio Editor, Max Norden, to discuss the statement.

Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse points out that the roots of domestic and family violence “lie in the abuse of power to control and dominate others” and that “this stands in contrast to the relationships to which God calls us”.

More from Dr Lauren Kadwell

Having worked directly with families affected by domestic and family violence, particularly in men’s behaviour change programs and children’s contact services, Dr Lauren Kadwell shares how widespread and serious violence against women and their children is and how we can all be part of the solution. Read Let’s act now to prevent violence against women

2022-23 Social Justice Statement

President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Archbishop Costelloe introduces the 2022-23 Social Justice Statement – Respect: Confronting violence and abuse.