Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Our 2023 Annual Report reflects on another successful year at CatholicCare Sydney

Our 2023 Annual Report reflects on another successful year at CatholicCare Sydney

Available for download now, our 2023 Annual Report reflects on another successful year at CatholicCare Sydney and shares highlights from our programs and services.

A key strength of CatholicCare Sydney is the breadth of community services we provide given the complexity of needs in today’s society. The range of circumstances our clients face demands us to be focused on solutions and outcomes, the results and highlights included in our Annual Report will hopefully inspire you to find out more about our work and to provide the support we need to continue serving those in vulnerable positions.

Key highlights

During the 2023 financial year we:

As we continue to strengthen families, connect communities, and promote dignity, we ask for your support to make our vision a reality. Keep up to date with CatholicCare Sydney by signing up for Pathways magazine or making a donation today.
