Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

New leadership for Pastoral Services

Patrick O'Reilly CatholicCareSupporting those in our community with Pastoral Services is important at CatholicCare. Patrick started his new role in August, with a wealth of experience behind him. His goal is to put his skills towards CatholicCare’s mission of helping those most in need.

Pastoral Services is a newly created division for CatholicCare, bringing together already established programs such as Chaplaincy, Marriage and Relationship Education and Natural Fertility Services.

Pastoral Services is also working towards developing new and emerging programs to support our seniors’ ministry and supporting many more of those experiencing disadvantage across our community.

Patrick has spent the last 30 years working in the education sector wearing a number of hats ranging from a Religious Education Advisor, Religious Education Coordinator, Assistant Principal, through to his most recent position as the Foundation Principal of Southern Cross Vocational College in Burwood.

“In my previous roles in education I was motivated to open up the best of our Catholic faith with young people to enable them to grow in a sense of reflection, and help them to make good choices for their own lives.

“This is also my motivation at CatholicCare. Through Catholic Social Teachings, my department will give those who are disadvantaged and on the margins, the tools to live and thrive.”

Although he has not previously worked professionally for a not-for-profit organisation, Patrick has volunteered a great deal of time to community organisations and was on the board of The L’Arche Community for seven years.

As the General Manager of Pastoral Services, Patrick is most looking forward to developing the Chaplaincy service to provide in home support and companionship to seniors who may be experiencing feelings of isolation and loneliness.

“I feel privileged to be given this opportunity to lead the newly created division to ensure everyone in our community feels supported by CatholicCare, no matter their place.

 “As a person of faith, and faith in action, I know my values deeply align with the mission of CatholicCare and all that they do.”