Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Harmony Day at Belmore!

Harmony Day at Belmore!

Embracing the diversity found within the walls of its Lakemba centre, the participants and team members from CatholicCare Sydney’s Disability Services celebrated Harmony Day with an inclusive and festive Multicultural Lunch.

On a day set aside to celebrate Australia’s multiculturalism the simple act of breaking bread and sharing a meal helps us embrace our differences and recognise our similarities and this special day has been much anticipated by those in the Lakemba centre.

 “Our neighbourhood in Lakemba is one with a vibrant food scene and a variety of migrant communities, ninety percent of our participants are from a culturally and linguistically diverse background (CALD). A day like Harmony Day is so important because it acknowledges differences and shines a positive light on them. It reminds us that it is ok to not all look the same and to have differing abilities, and to enjoy what makes us different,” says Disability Services Director Joshua Grant

“Our multicultural lunch features a host of nations including Turkish, Vietnamese, Greek, and Nepalese treats, and today we've heard stories behind some of the dishes.”

Each Disability Services participant brought along their favourite dish, with promises of baklava, fried rice, spring rolls, falafel and tabbouleh, spanakopita, ravioli, and maybe even Tonga’s much-loved coconut dessert vei halo.

The young people attending the Disability Services programs are reminded to respect diversity, and a sense of belonging for everyone is encouraged. When new participants join the programs, their cultural background is explored and services are tailored to their needs – Halal food is available, religious beliefs and observances are respected, and festivals or celebrations are marked. Group outings took place for Chinese New Year, Ramadan is acknowledged with activities that have a level of flexibility for those fasting, and Easter gets a double up with Orthodox Easter falling a month after Catholic Easter.

In keeping with CatholicCare Sydney’s value of inclusion there is a seat at the table for everyone, and all abilities, genders, faiths, ages, and cultural backgrounds are welcomed and celebrated.

To learn more about our Belmore site and its services, visit:
