Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Do you need help understanding Home Care?

The Government’s My Aged Care home care systems can be confusing and it can be difficult to find the right information for your needs. But it is useful to know that help is only a phone call away – call us on 13 18 19 to talk to a Home Care Specialist today. CatholicCare Home Care Specialists are available to help seniors navigate the complex system and find the care they need.

There are many types of care available such as assistance to clean your house, manage your personal hygiene or support to travel to the shops or doctors appointments; through to more complex care options which can include modifications to your home such as ramps and hand rails, or support to help with mobility from a professional Occupational Therapist.

CatholicCare’s Home Care Specialists can help provide information when you are just starting to explore the care options available, through to helping you with the application process and booking services so you can start to receive care as soon as possible. Home Care Specialists welcome your questions and can provide a no-obligation consultation in your own home. Home Care Specialist, Colleen, is proud of the level of support they provide to help seniors stay comfortable and independent in their own homes.

“We provide brilliant, caring support for seniors. We like to say we are here to ‘hold their hand’ throughout the process of applying for the package that suits them. Our services aim to ensure seniors receive the best care for their individual situation, whether that is provided by CatholicCare or another provider. We are here to help them understand the system and the processes to get the care they need, and we’re always only a phone call away (13 18 19).”

CatholicCare Home Care Specialists understand the system and can help with many tips and useful pieces of information like these to support you through the process.

“The goal is that clients receive the right funding for the services they deserve for their whole of life.” Says Colleen.

If you would like more information about the options available to you or would like to enquire on behalf of a friend or family member, help is only a phone call away (13 18 19). CatholicCare will take the time to understand your situation and explain your options.

The aim of any conversation is to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions on the care best suitable for you.

Call our Client Care Team on 13 18 19 to speak with a friendly and caring team member today or contact us online.