Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

CatholicCare Sydney cleans up Australia

CatholicCare Sydney cleans up Australia

Answering the call to keep Australia beautiful, an enthusiastic group of participants from CatholicCare Sydney’s Disability Services team led the way for the community to take part in Clean Up Australia.

Disability Services programs, run in Lakemba for young people and adults living with disabilities, provide work opportunities, social engagement, and educational programs to help build practical life skills and qualifications including School Leaver Employment Supports, Supported Employment, Life Skills, and Workplace Training, and Social connection programs.

“This is the first year Disability Services have been involved with Clean Up Australia Day, but it will not be the last. The excitement for getting behind such a worthy cause, and the ability to show themselves as leaders in the community was incredible,” said Joshua Grant, Director Disability Services

“People with disability are enthusiastic activists and have a keen interest in preserving the beauty of Australia, I’m proud of every participant for volunteering their time and energy to Clean up Australia.”

Armed with official gloves and bags supplied by the Clean Up Australia Day organisers, everything from discarded coffee cups to chip packets and food wrappers filled five garbage bags, and the participants did not miss a piece of rubbish as they played their part as leaders and responsible citizens.

CatholicCare Sydney Disability Services has Cleaning and Gardening crews providing professional services and meaningful employment for people living with disability, but for this one important national day, they spent time in Lakemba’s Parry Park and surrounding streets as volunteers and ambassadors for the environment.