Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Latest News

We are committed to our vision - a society in which we all are supported and valued. Read on to see our latest news and updates from across CatholicCare Sydney.

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Amelia and Mateo

Thank you from Amelia and Mateo

21 Jul 2023

“Thank you for helping us to feel safe and to see a positive future ahead of us!” 


Cost of living crisis

21 Jul 2023

Without a laptop of her own Mia was forced to borrow one from the school library –unfortunately, it couldn’t be taken home at night, impacting Mia’s ability to complete assessments and homework.

Regular Giving

The importance of giving

21 Jul 2023

Contributing a tax-deductible gift to a charity on an ongoing basis, referred to as regular or recurring giving, has an incredibly positive impact on many lives. 

Remembering those passed while experiencing homelessness

Sydney Homeless Memorial Service

8 Jun 2023

Join us in commemorating the lives of all people who have died while experiencing homelessness.

Volunteering Benefits CatholicCare Sydney

Feel good benefits of volunteering

12 May 2023

People who volunteer are reportedly happier than those who don’t. Discover the top 5 benefits of volunteering and find a role that suits your situation.

Families Week CatholicCare Sydney

Celebrating National Families Week

12 May 2023

During National Families Week, we take time to celebrate families, no matter what form they take.

Study shows 2 in 5 Australian children are exposed to domestic violence

2 in 5 Australian children are exposed to domestic violence

5 May 2023

Disturbing results from a nationwide study have revealed how violence and abuse are impacting our children.

Hospital Chaplains CatholicCare Sydney

Hospital chaplains and the journey toward the end of life

2 May 2023

Hospital Chaplains share how the privilege far outweighs the challenge of support someone as they enter the final stages of their life.

Shot Put Superhero_CatholicCare Sydney

Shot put superhero

30 Apr 2023

With the support of CatholicCare Sydney behind him, Solon is preparing for next year’s Para Athletics in Paris